Southern Sales Headquarters

Southern Sales Municipal, a division of Tencarva Machinery Company, is a municipal sales organization representing a broad range of water and wastewater products in the states of Tennessee, Kentucky & Indiana.

HistorSouthern Sales Municipal Equipmenty

In 1923 Mr. Paul Jarratt founded Southern Sales Company in Nashville, TN as a pure rep agency selling HVAC, plumbing and pumping systems. As the municipal water and wastewater industry developed, so did Southern Sales.

In 1965 the company was sold to Mr. J.P. Cunningham and Mr. Fleet Allen. In 1968, Mr Allen kept the Southern Sales name as well as the municipal equipment lines and allowed others leave with the hvac and plumbing lines. This change created the basis for the company that exists today as a municipal water and wastewater representative, distributor and service organization.


Arkansas Water Works and Water Environment Association
Water Environment Federation
Tennessee Association of Utility Districts
Kentucky Rural Water Association

Engineered Project Sales

  • Bill Allen
  • Brent Fulghum
  • Hayden Chappel
  • Kenny Graham
  • Brian Williams

Project Managers

  • Tom Herndon
  • Rick Messamore
  • Steve Puskaric

Parts & Aftermarket Equipment Sales

  • Travis Callis
  • Casey Bowman

Service Department

  • Zach Valko
  • Sid Sambrano
  • Jeff McCroskey
  • David Dorris
  • David Simpson
  • Mike Wilson
  • Jared Knight
  • Garrett Morris

Sales Operations

  • Cindy Copeland
  • Amanda Collins
  • Melissa Dangerfield